Conservation credits include species credits as well as non-wetland habitat credits in states such as California, Texas and Florida.  Conservation credits help achieve no net loss for rare biodiversity resources listed under state and federal Endangered Species Acts.  When human activities impact biodiversity resources, purchase of conservation credits helps protect, enhance, restore or sometimes create habitat supporting the impacted species in similar nearby ecosystems.

Species credits, also called ‘Endangered Species Recovery Credits’, are described as ‘conservation credits that can be used at a later time to offset negative impacts’ of agency-approved actions. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service implements this program under the Endangered Species Act as ‘a net benefit to the conservation of federally protected species (offering) incentives for federal agencies to reach out to private landowners and conserve imperiled wildlife.’

Examples of species and habitat credits include:

For California — 

Alameda whipsnake Alluvial fan scrub
Bald eagle Alluvial floodplain
Blunt-nosed leopard lizard CA tiger salamander habitat
Burke’s goldfields Chaparral
Burrowing owl Coastal live oak woodland
Butte County meadow foam Coastal sage scrub
California gnatcatcher Englemann oak woodland
California red legged frog Floodplain riparian habitat
California tiger salamander Great basin scrub
Chinook calmon Monterrey County sandhills
Delhi sands flower-loving fly Native grassland
Delta smelt Non-native grassland
Desert tortoise Open water
Giant garter snake Riparian habitat
Giant kangaroo rat Scalebroom scrub
Holly leaf cherry Scrub-shrub
Lahontan cutthroat trout Shaded riverine
Least Bell’s vireo Vernal pool
Mohave ground squirrel Water-dependent habitat
San Francisco garter snake
San Joaquin kit fox
Sebastapol meadowfoam
Sonoma sunshine
Swainson’s hawk
Valley elderberry longhorn beetle
Vernal pool fairy shrimp

For Florida — 

Florida panther Panther habitat
Giant gopher tortoise Gopher tortoise habitat
Wood stork Wood stork habitat

For Texas — 

Black-capped vireo
Bone Cave harnestman
Coffin Cave mold beetle
Golden cheek warbler